I am a performer and this is my REAL career. Deal with it.

I think once in a while we are all entitled to a rant…Or, at least I am just saying that to justify the following rant. Anyway, recently someone said something to me questioning my career choice and hinting that they thought I was in a “phase.” What came out of this was a blog straight … More I am a performer and this is my REAL career. Deal with it.


So…I’m a martial artist at heart, but right after that I’m a circus acrobat! For the last year or so, my partner Csaba (from Circus Arts) and I have been practicing on this thing called a teeterboard. It’s like a giant see-saw, but for adults. We had the awesome opportunity to put together an act for FunSpot … More Tweeterboard!

Weekend Coffee Share: Fireworks, Getting Old, and Guys Wearing Pregnant Bellies

If we were having coffee today, it would be a change of pace. I am actually “off” today. No stunts, no flips, and no scheduling. So…instead of the normal quick Starbucks meetup at Hollywood Studios, I would invite you into my office at home. Have a seat, let’s talk! There were definitely some fantastic highlights … More Weekend Coffee Share: Fireworks, Getting Old, and Guys Wearing Pregnant Bellies

Weekend Coffee Share: Indiana Jones show closing, old friends, and a freakin’ awesome wife!

Coffee this morning is brought to you straight from my home’s Keurig 2.0. Sorry I am not enough of a coffee snob to farm, grind, and brew my own! This will just have to do… If I was lucky enough for you to come over for coffee, I would tell you that we only have … More Weekend Coffee Share: Indiana Jones show closing, old friends, and a freakin’ awesome wife!

Weekend Coffee Share: Trip to Montreal, Circus Makeup, and Baby CPR!

If we were having coffee, we would be sitting in one of the coffee shops in the Montreal Airport. I would tell you which one, except I don’t speak French. Perhaps, I could just give you the gate number it is closest to? Anyway, if you could find me, we would be having our coffee … More Weekend Coffee Share: Trip to Montreal, Circus Makeup, and Baby CPR!

Weekend Coffee Share: Tackled off a building & holding a baby…but not at the same time!

If we were having coffee this morning, I would have my dad join us. It is father’s day and his birthday! And not surprisingly, we would be having this coffee, again, at one of the Starbucks on Disney property. Perhaps maybe the one at EPCOT this time? Oh…and side note, along with ticket price entry … More Weekend Coffee Share: Tackled off a building & holding a baby…but not at the same time!